
Hi! I’m Milan. Thank you for being here. Welcome to my story.

I was born and raised in Prague, Czechoslovakia and until the age of 11 lived under communist rule. I was drawn to the creative path when my Dad purchased an Atari 130XE 8-bit computer. I loved playing games on my Atari but I loved creating things with it just as much. I created art, games, and even a middle school magazine printed with a DIY plotter. I started going to a local Atari club and giving away some of these creations on cassette tapes - seeing the joy they gave people fueled my passion to create more.

At 18 I was given the opportunity to become an exchange student in the USA. Leaving my family behind for a year was difficult to say the least but the experience opened my eyes to a whole new world out there I would never have known otherwise. Two significant things happened that changed the trajectory of my life: I became a Christian and I met a girl in my choir class who I would later marry. 

I stumbled into the world of design in 2001 during my first job at Cornerstone Church in Highland, Michigan. I was asked to help design a flyer. This simple ask rekindled a fire in my heart all the way back from my Atari days. I simply fell in love with it. I became hungry and attended any and every Adobe event and creative conference in the area, adding video production to the mix. I took what I’ve learned and made it my aim to teach and empower other creatives who were on the same journey.

At that time I didn’t realize that what I was doing could translate into the business world. Then one day the owners of a local printing company noticed some of the work I’d been doing for the church and hired me part time. I picked up an understanding of print design but more importantly realized that this might actually be real. For the first time I started seeing my ideas turn into business results.

After relocating to Denver in 2012 I started working at a social media start up, Wayin. I suddenly found myself concepting, strategizing and designing for some of the world’s largest brands, such as Adidas, NFL, Twitter, Blizzard or Bank of America. I remember one of my first projects for a world-class soccer team left me choked up, eyes filled with tears. It finally clicked: if I can add value here, I can add value anywhere. 


“I remember one of my first projects for a world-class soccer team left me choked up, eyes filled with tears. It finally clicked: if I can add value here, I can add value anywhere.” 

One other experience has stayed with me from this time - my boss and CEO, Elaine Feeney. She showed me what a difference a great manager can make. One elevator ride she asked me a two-fold question I ask myself to this day: “Are you excited? Are you scared?” She always wanted me to be both. Her influence and impact caused me to want to pay it forward by mentoring and encouraging those under my care with the same questions. Mentorship is powerful: it is needed and it is rewarding.

For the past 7 years I have created digital content for the Broncos’ social channels. This means capturing creative videos from the sidelines that provide the fans with an unprecedented look at the game, including the Superbowl 50. The results can be spectacular - and the fear factor along the way has been just as intense. Doing this work has forced me to face my fears and put myself out there in a way I would never have thought possible.


“She showed me what a difference a great manager can make. Her influence and impact caused me to want to pay it forward by mentoring those under my care.”

These days I work as a Creative Director at Red Canary. I do what I love to do, what I have been doing since my first Atari: I get to create. Build a great brand. Make content that moves people. And my greatest joy and reward - mentoring and empowering creatives, leading them toward their highest potential not only at work but also in life.

Outside of work you will find me loving on my wife and four girls, serving at Thrive Church, hiking, reading, and doing my best to resist the temptation of coffee and chocolate. If you’d like to connect, I’d like to hear from you. Please leave me a note.